Here's another great Halloween decoration that is SUPER EASY and VERY INEXPENSIVE! What is it??? You can make your very own jar of spiders! I've seen a lot of these floating around Pinterest and decided to make a few for around my house.
Here's what you need:
Jar (I used Ball's jars that I had on hand)
fake webbing
fake spiders
battery operated tea lights
spray paint
glue dots
I got my supplies from Walmart. Everything was priced at $2.50 or below.
First you put some fake webbing into your jar, then add spiders. You could be done right there. But I decided for in my house I was going to add a tea light. I applied 2 glue dots to the bottom of the tea light (I used glue dots so I can open it up and remove the light again and again to turn it off and on.
Then secure the tea light to the lid of your jar.
Then place your lid on the jar and your done!
My jar outside does not have a tea light in it because I didn't want to have to keep going out to turn it off and on. but if you place lights near it, you can still see inside the jar.
You can also spray paint your lid. If you used Chalkboard spray paint, then you could write something like BOO! or Open If You Dare! on it. Hope you enjoyed the great and simple Halloween decoration idea. And don't forget, I'm giving away a FREE PRINTABLE MINI HALLOWEEN SCRAPBOOK! Visit this post and comment on it to enter for a chance to win! Thanks for stopping by!

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